Hedging Inflation With Real Estate

Say Yes to Using Real Estate to Hedge Against Inflation!

Hedging Inflation With Real Estate While rising inflation and increased U.S. interest rates can cause stress for many, investing in real estate can be the best approach to hedging inflation. With inflation at a nearly 40-year high and the uncertainty in the stock market, investing in real estate is decidedly one of the best approaches […]

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Now is the Time to Release Equity for Cash
Now is the Time to Release Equity for Cash: A Global Real Estate Perspective on the Strength of the U.S. Dollar

Now is the Time to Release Equity for Cash: A Global Real Estate Perspective on the Strength of the U.S. Dollar

The U.S. dollar has been pushing down the rest of the world’s currencies over the past few months. The Yen is at a 24-year low compared to the dollar, and the Euro and Dollar have not been on par since ’02. Day after day, it proves that it is the world’s most dominant currency, with […]

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Tax Strategies for U.S. Real Estate
There are many income tax issues that must be considered when a foreign national invests in U.S. real estate.  

Tax Strategies for U.S. Real Estate Investors living Overseas

There are many income tax issues that must be considered when a foreign national invests in U.S. real estate.   The analysis begins with the foreign national’s tax status in the U.S. tax system: 1) Are they U.S. citizens (dual citizens)?  2) If not, do they hold a “Green Card” that allows permanent U.S. residency status?   […]

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Housing Market in the U.S.
2022 has been a particularly hot year for the U.S. housing market overall, but in sunny Tampa, Florida, that market is scorching.

Tampa is Now the Hottest Housing Market in the U.S.

2022 has been a particularly hot year for the U.S. housing market overall, but in sunny Tampa, Florida, that market is scorching. The city was rated as the hottest market of 2022 by Zillow, outranking other hot markets like Austin, Texas, and Phoenix, Arizona. Overseas buyers likely know Florida for its excellent weather and as […]

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Buying Property In The U.S.

The top 10 U.S. cities to buy a home for under $250,000

The U.S. property market has been a wild ride for the past few years. As millennials move from metropolitan areas to the suburbs and interest in vacation homes has spiked, home prices have also jumped. Whether you’re buying your first home or building your real estate portfolio, picking the correct city to invest in could […]

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Atanta GA & Sydney AU Real Estate

From Hong Kong to Austin. London to Miami. We compare real estate with the most bang for your buck!

Globally real estate markets are red-hot, and even a pandemic can’t stop it. For the U.S., mortgage applications for foreigners to purchase U.S. real estate have consistently expanded year-over-year as property prices in most global cities have reached record highs.  What makes the U.S. real estate market so enticing to investors?  Anyone who has invested […]

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Holiday/Airbnb Investor Program

Is a vacation home a good investment?

Everyone wants to live in The Bu… The Bu is, of course, Malibu, California… known as the mecca for Airbnb rentals as well as Charlie Sheen’s house in ‘Two and a Half Men.’ One thing the pandemic has done for all of us is force us to think about the next stages of our lives […]

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AM U.S. Expat Mortgage
Real Estate Investor Toolbox Introducing "AM U.S. Expat Mortgage +"

Real Estate Investor Toolbox Introducing “AM U.S. Expat Mortgage +”

Are you a U.S. citizen living and working abroad? Have you tried to apply for a U.S. mortgage, and the person on the other end of the call thought Singapore was in China or the Netherlands and Holland are two different countries? Sigh. We understand. America Mortgages ONLY focus is providing U.S. market rate mortgage […]

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Mortgages for U.S. Real Estate

Taking the “Pain” out of High Net Worth mortgages for U.S. Real Estate, without AUM requirements.

With inexpensive funding and various tax advantages, everyone should take advantage of the benefits of a mortgage when investing in U.S. real estate regardless of the loan size. However, why do the wealthy often find it increasingly difficult to obtain mortgage financing without AUM? With a portfolio of assets worth millions of dollars, one may assume that […]

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