Is There An Age Limit For Getting A U.S. Mortgage?

Age Limit - U.S. Mortgage

Becoming a real estate investor is often seen as one of the universal signs of personal financial achievement, no matter what your age. While, technically, in the U.S., there is no age limit for getting a mortgage, there are some age-related home buying guidelines you should keep in mind.


Because a mortgage is a legally binding contract that allows you to finance the cost of a home over a long time, some people might wonder if there are age limits involved. For example, if you’re 75, could a lender refuse to let you take out a 30-year mortgage? After all, the average life expectancy in the United States is 78.6, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The good news for seniors looking to buy a house is that it is against the law for a mortgage lender to discriminate against you based on age. The Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), which came out of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, says lenders cannot deny you credit based on age, as well as other criteria like race, color, religion, national origin, sex, or marital status. The Fair Housing Act of 1968 adds even further protections, specifically stating that it’s against the law to discriminate in any residential real estate transaction.

However, there are some instances in which a lender could consider a lendee’s age indirectly. According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a lender may look at whether you are close to retirement age and make a decision based on your having enough income to handle the loan. But again, in this instance, the disqualifying factor is not your age but rather your ability to manage loan payments.


Can age be a discouraging factor when it comes to getting a mortgage if you’re closer to high school graduation age than retirement? Lenders can’t deny a mortgage application solely because of age, but states have laws that determine the age at which a contract can be negotiated. For example, in Virginia, you must be 18 to enter into a legally binding contract, including a mortgage.

Your age may also affect your ability to meet other requirements for being approved for a mortgage loan.

Lenders evaluate your income to see that you have enough to make the mortgage payments. If you’re under 18 or even in your early 20s, it’s unlikely that you’ll have a job in which you make enough to take on a mortgage. Lenders also typically require you to have a specific credit history, meaning they may not have enough credit history to meet the lender’s requirements. Young people who haven’t had time to build a credit history by using credit cards or taking out loans are likely to fall in this category.

Finally, homebuyers typically need to make a down payment. For example, the minimum down payment for a non-citizen is 30%. U.S. citizens living abroad and purchasing a second home or investment property may be able to put down as little as 10% if they still maintain a U.S. credit score.


Just because you can legally take out a U.S. mortgage at any age doesn’t mean it’s always the wisest move. A mortgage is a long-term commitment, and you want to make sure you’re ready for it. If you’re a senior and thinking about taking out a mortgage, consider the following risks.

Mortgage debt can hamper your day-to-day finances. When people retire, they typically live on a fixed income. There are no more promotions to look forward to or year-end bonuses to give your finances a boost. Some seniors may find it challenging to make those mortgage payments month after month, along with their other expenses on a fixed income. If a financial crisis hits, they could experience a financial disaster. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau points out that this did happen during the Great Recession of 2007-09. Many older homeowners struggled to pay their mortgages and eventually foreclosed on their homes.

Unexpected repairs can throw your budget for a loop. Your mortgage payment isn’t the only thing you’d have to worry about. Most homeowners at some point experience the sticker shock that comes with appliance replacements and major repairs. If you’re living on a fixed income, replacing a roof or buying a new furnace may be too much to handle on top of homeownership’s regular costs. Also, keep in mind that if you’re handy around the house and have been able to do your repairs, you might not be able to do as much physical work as you age. In that case, you’d likely have to pay someone to do the jobs you used to be able to do.

You’ll likely have less time to build equity. One reason people buy real estate is so they will have something to pass down to their heirs. If you buy a house at an older age, there’s a higher chance you won’t live in the house long enough to build a lot of equity. In that case, if you die and your house is left to heirs who want to sell it, there may not be much of an inheritance for them to split.


Age plays a role in many of our biggest decisions. Whether we’re thinking about marriage, starting a business, or retirement, we often consider whether the timing is right to pursue these goals. While age can’t legally deter you from buying a house, you should always weigh the pros and cons of real estate investing.

America Mortgages has programs that do not require income proof, which may help obtain a mortgage at an older age where income may be sporadic.

For more information, please contact [email protected].

Real Estate Investing For Your Children’s Future

Residential real estate | Mortgage Lenders Of America

One of the most unique and inexplicably happy events of life is having a baby. This little bundle of joy keeps everyone on their toes, creating madness around the house and your lives, but somehow, it all seems worth it.

As a parent, you likely already have a retirement fund under your belt, but have you considered alternative and traditional ways you can invest your extra cash in protecting your children’s future? In fact, it’s easier than ever to invest in Real Estate with technology and options for obtaining mortgage loans even if you’re not a citizen of that country.

Investing in property is largely seen as a safe way to build wealth, but it is a long term strategy. The younger you start, the more effective it is, thanks to leverage (borrowing from a bank) and the power of compounding (time). For example, if you acquire a property for $500K at age 20 and it grows by a conservative 5% per annum, it will pretty much double by the time you are 35 to $1 million. How many people have $500K of equity at this young age? And by age 50, it will be worth 4 times what you paid for it, at $2 million. If capital growth is 7%, then the property will double in value every 10 years, thus dramatically accelerating your portfolio.

Should I invest in my own home country, the United States, or emerging markets?

All the investment opportunities available can be overwhelming. We understand. So, to help you filter out the noise and make informed decisions, America Mortgages has mortgage options parents should consider as great places to invest in Real Estate for your and your children’s future:

Commercial real estate

We often think of real estate investing in homeownership or maybe “house flipping.” Still, there are lucrative opportunities in the commercial side of the industry that are no longer exclusive to ultra-wealthy investors. Online real estate platforms make it possible to invest in commercial real estate without ever stepping foot inside a property or country it is being sold in. Of course, there needs to be a “trust” issue with investing in an asset. However, through online reviews, personal recommendations, and proper research, these risks can be mitigated.

A recent survey asked global participants to choose how they would invest $10,000, and real estate was the second most popular choice among millennials, Generation X, and baby boomers. Nearly 23 percent of those surveyed said they would pool their $10,000 with money from other investors to purchase Real Estate.

When you’re first starting out, a smart strategy focuses on one type of investment, whether it be apartments, offices, retail, land, etc. A popular type of commercial real estate is student housing units — the very places you might be paying rent to when you send your kids off to college. Student housing in many University locations throughout the U.S. can be extremely lucrative investments.

Residential real estate

As a global citizen, if I wanted to invest in Singapore, Hong Kong, Seoul, Bangkok, Shanghai, or any of the major global cities such as New York, San Francisco, London, or Sydney, the barrier to entry would be my purchasing power and the ability or inability to obtain leverage from a bank or private lender. However, as an example, in smaller cities around the United States, there are millions of Real Estate options for investors that never imagined they could own Real Estate, let alone be a Global Real Estate Investor.

America Mortgage’s only focus is on sourcing the best options for non-citizens or Expats looking to obtain a mortgage loan to purchase or refinance Real Estate on a global scale. As many of your children may attend school in the U.S., obtaining a mortgage loan to purchase residential (or refinance) property in the U.S. just became that much easier. Our partnership with institutions and private lending partners has made us the premier “go-to” source for real estate investors. Residential homes are the easiest to qualify for and a great way to build your portfolio.

The difficulty is the starting point, as young people rarely have enough for a large down payment for a first property. The good news is, most of our U.S. and Australian mortgage loans only require a minimum down payment of 30%. Note, that is 30% of a property with a purchase price far less than you could buy in Hong Kong as an example. The opportunity is amazing to build and grow a viable Real Estate portfolio without a huge capital expense. If well researched and with the right advice, a property can be cash-flow neutral or positive in the current market. If held over time and as rates will likely increase globally, changing the current economic model from buyers to a renters market should remain quite manageable.

If you acquire several properties over time, manage properly and leverage smartly, imagine the amount of equity you can build up by the time your children are an adult or when you’re ready to retire!

For more information on mortgage loans in the U.S., please email America Mortgage’s – [email protected].