FOMO – Time to Cash-Out!

Cash Out Refinancing

After two years of meteoric price appreciation, U.S. home prices seem to have hit their peak. U.S. mortgage rates have more than doubled since the beginning of 2022, and according to CNN, the average interest mortgage payment on a median-priced home is up 73% from one year ago. 

Recently the FED approved a 0.75-point interest rate hike, taking rates to their highest since 2008. These high-interest rates, combined with quantitative tightening, are pushing home prices down, a trend that Economists at Goldman Sachs and Wells Fargo expect to continue into 2023. 

Many non-residents who own a U.S. property are hesitant about financing their U.S. real estate when mortgage interest rates are so high. However, there is more to the picture than meets the eye. With housing prices expected to continue dropping, many savvy investors are taking advantage of cash-out refinance mortgages. 

The truth is, cash-out refinancing can be a good way to improve your financial situation – we think of it as an affordable way to borrow money if you own substantial equity in your home. The money from a cash-out refinancing can even be used to rebuild equity that you’re taking out if you decide to use it on value-adding home renovations.

With the money you take out of your property when you refinance, you can do whatever you want with it. You can stay on top of an unexpected medical or vehicle bill, finish paying back your college loans, or make home repairs.

While prices have dropped by 2.6% since the end of June, according to a CNBC article, they are still 10.7% higher than in September 2021. This is the canary in the coal mine, and foreign investors would be wise to take advantage of their equity while it’s still high. 

Let’s flesh this out with an example. Imagine you purchased a home in Dallas, Texas, in 2016 for $230,000. As of November 2022, that home is valued at $460,000. 

You can take advantage of that massive increase in value before it trends down by leveraging the property and extracting a substantial amount of your equity investment. The best part? You keep your U.S. property investment and its cash flow and use the extracted funds toward a new investment.

FED Chair Jerome Powell signalled that interest rates would likely reach even higher than initial targets set in September. As the value of your investment property continues to decrease, so will the potential equity you can leverage. Consider striking while the iron is hot and lock down your property value.

Don’t miss the opportunity to utilise your equity while it remains high. Let your money make you money with America Mortgages cash-out refinancing. America Mortgages has a 97% approval rate for both U.S. Citizens & Foreign Nationals. That is our sole focus and our expertise. Contact us today to speak to one of our loan officers at [email protected].

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How Equity Rich Homeowners are Cashing In

Equity Rich Homeowners
How Equity Rich Homeowners are Cashing In

U.S. homeowners have seen their equity increase by over 32.2% since the first quarter of 2021. That’s a year-over-year gain of over $3.8 trillion. This significant increase in home equity has provided many homeowners with the opportunities to cash in through home equity loans, cash-out refinancing, or home equity lines of credit (HELOC). 

What Does it Mean to be Equity Rich?

Equity is the market value of your home minus your mortgage balance. Homeowners are considered equity rich when they have a minimum of 50% equity in their homes. The number of equity-rich homeowners typically increases as property values soar because the market value of people’s homes is increasing while the amount they owe does not. 

Understanding the tremendous increase in property value across the United States over the past year, it’s only logical that there would be a steep increase in equity-rich homeowners. 

Why is Home Equity Important?

Home equity is an excellent long-term wealth-building strategy. To demonstrate just how true this is, let’s compare an auto loan to a mortgage. When you take out an auto loan, you are paying interest on an asset that depreciates in value as soon as you drive it off the lot. That means that when you’ve paid off the loan, the car will most likely be worth less than your purchase price and you will have paid interest. 

In contrast, mortgage payments reduce your debt while your home increases in value. Of course, property values could drop, but that is unlikely to happen over the long term. One very financially powerful aspect of this is that you don’t need to sell your home to profit from it. 

How to Access Home Equity

  1. Home Equity Loan — Think of this as taking out a second mortgage for a fixed rate that must be repaid within a set period. Home equity loans often have slightly higher interest rates than primary mortgages because if a home is foreclosed, the primary lender must be repaid first.
  2. HELOC — Like a home equity loan, a home equity line of credit (HELOC) acts like a second mortgage, but it provides more flexibility for the borrower. That’s because HELOCs have a revolving balance like a low-interest rate credit card—you can borrow what you need, repay it, and borrow again. There are usually no closing costs, and HELOCs typically have adjustable rates that vary with the prime rate.
  3. Cash-Out Refinance — This option leaves homeowners with less equityin their home because you are refinancing your home for a larger amount and taking the difference in cash. Banks typically see this as riskier, meaning that closing costs can be higher. 

The best for cashing in on your equity depends on your goals. For example, a home equity loan would be great for medical fees, educational expenses, and debt consolidation because you have immediate access to the money. 

In contrast, a homeowner who needs money periodically for home improvements or a business might opt for a HELOC, and a cash-out refinance is typically best for those who need cash immediately. 

Should Equity Rich Homeowners Buy or Sell?

Both buying, selling, and staying in a home with untapped equity could be beneficial. Homeowners who want to sell can purchase another property and use a HELOC to make renovations on their first home while they live in their second. They could also take an equity line of credit to make a downpayment on a new home. 

However, staying in an equity-rich home can also be a wise financial decision. You can still cash in on the equity and enjoy the increasing value of the home. Keep in mind that if you sell a home in an up market, you will have to buy a home in an up market. 

Interested in releasing equity? America Mortgages has a 97% approval rate for both U.S. Citizens & Foreign Nationals. As a company our only focus is providing market rate U.S. mortgage financing for foreign nationals and U.S. expats. No one does it better!

Schedule a call with us at [email protected] today!

Cash-Out Equity Release. Is now the time?

Cash-Out Equity Release - America Mortgages

There’s something about having cash on hand that feels empowering. Being able to invest in projects, equities, crypto, or a business opens up endless possibilities. It could be to pay off high-interest debt or taking the family on a dream vacation before the children get too old. We hear this daily when speaking to clients that are considering cash-out refinancing.

What is a cash-out refinance?

A cash-out refinance is a mortgage refinancing option in which an old mortgage is replaced for a new one with a larger amount than owed on the previously existing loan, helping borrowers use their home mortgage to get some additional liquidity. You get the difference between the old mortgage and the new and the money can be used however you like. The amount received depends on the equity built up in your property.

How does it work?

Cash-out refinancing depends on several factors which include the value of the property, the amount owed, and how much you can qualify to borrow. Your America Mortgages loan officer can help you determine if this type of financing makes sense from a cost basis.

The potential benefits of a cash-out refinance

  • 1. A lower interest rate on your mortgage – Let’s say you bought your home when mortgage rates were much higher. Refinancing your home can improve your financial situation if you are able to obtain a lower rate.
  • 2. Debt consolidation – The money from a cash-out refinance can be used to pay off other high-interest debts, like credit cards and college loans. This could save you thousands in interest in the long run.
  • 3. Credit score improvement – Building on the previous point, paying your credit card debts off in full using a cash-out refinance can build your credit score by reducing your credit utilization ratio.
  • 4. Tax deductions – If you’re looking to improve your home using the cash from a cash-out refinance, you could potentially qualify for mortgage interest deduction.
  • 5. A cheaper way of paying for your kid’s education – It’s every parent’s dream to be able to put their kids through college, but high-interest student loans can be extremely stressful. Using a cash-out refinance can be a good alternative if the rates are lower.
  • 6. Inheritance – Although we advise you to speak with your attorney or tax advisor, it may be possible to reduce the amount of inheritance tax when estate planning with increased leverage.
  • 7. Take advantage of an opportunity – With the current situation with Covid, there are a lot of opportunities that may not be available once the world goes back to “normal”. Having access to liquidity and being able to act immediately can be potentially life-changing.

So, should you do it?

The truth is, cash-out refinancing can be a good way to improve your financial situation – we think of it as an affordable way to borrow money if you own substantial equity in your home. The money from a cash-out refinancing can even be used to rebuild equity that you’re taking out if you decide to use it on value-adding home renovations.

Interested in cash-out refinancing? America Mortgages has a 97% approval rate for both U.S. Citizens & Foreign Nationals. That is our sole focus and our expertise.

For more details please visit us at