Non-income tax reporting Saudi citizen purchases home in Phoenix to earn rental income.

Our client has previously studied at the University of Arizona and loved the lifestyle, food, and culture.

The Client

Our client has previously studied at the University of Arizona and loved the lifestyle, food, and culture. He’s now back in Riyadh, working at the family business. As with many Middle Eastern clients, he is not required to file income tax in his home country. Great for cash-flow, but bad for applying for credit outside your home country.

How We Helped

Our client was unaware that U.S. mortgages were available and had questions about the availability in Riyadh. We told them that only sanctioned countries are not allowed, and we work with clients in Saudi Arabia and around the Middle East regularly.

Because our loans reach across a broad spectrum of countries, we do not require tax returns to qualify. We allowed a letter from his employer stating his last three years and current income to qualify. Simple. Easy. Hassle-free.

Loan Details

NationalityProperty ValueLoan AmountLTVRate
Saudi Arabian Citizen$290,000$203,00070%4.875%
TermAddressProperty TypePurposeLoan Type
30 years fixedPhoenix, ArizonaSingle-Family HomePurchaseResidential

Schedule a call with our U.S. Mortgage Specialist.